Possibilities of coexistence. Kiasma, Helsinki | for ARTA Magazine
Possibilities of coexistence. Kiasma, Helsinki | for ARTA Magazine
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
„Coexistence” KIASMA, Helsinki From 26.4.2019 to 1.3.2020 Curators: Saara Hacklin, Kati Kivinen, Satu Oksanen For Revista ARTA, print, #42-43, available for purchase here. In the global coronavirus pandemic context in which we find ourselves, I find it timely to revisit – mentally and digitally – „Coexistence”, an exhibition at Kiasma, one of the...
(E)Motion by Wim Wenders | Revisiting personal archives
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Exactly today, one year ago, me and Vlad were in Paris, visiting Wim Wenders’s (E)Motion cinematic architectural installation in the nef of the Grand Palais. It was truly mind-lifting in terms of aesthetics & technology and a blend of cinema & projection like I’ve never seen before. I mean, with Wenders’s films, you do have...
When the macro worlds tremble…
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
…we still have the micro worlds to take refuge into. And so I did, with the help of a Tamron 70-300 with a macro function to help me plunge into those tiny tiny plant worlds. And boy, how it helped with my internal equilibrium. Hope those images can do that for you as well. ...
Jean Michel Basquiat: expresii artistice de rezistență și complicitate în fața rasializării
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Într-o multitudine de discursuri analitice, biografice sau critice, dedicate lui Jean-Michel Basquiat, artist-cult în arta contemporană, artistul și opera sa este încadrată de aceleași locuri comune și stereotipuri de rasă care sunt preocupate în primul rând de exotizarea omului-Basquiat și mai puțin de aprofundarea lucrărilor sale. În lucrarea de față voi discuta felul în care...
Oscilații: ideologia transparenței și reflectivității în arhitectură
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Ce a anume din structura noastră ne face atât de atrași de suprafețe-oglindă? Ce a determinat ca arhitectura contemporană să favorizeze atât de mult astfel de expresii arhitecturale? Lucrarea de față își propune să ofere câteva răspunsuri la aceste întrebări, fără a avea pretenția exhaustivității. Vom porni pe acest drum privind întâi succint la câteva...
Mă văd peste tot (și mă-ntreb de ce?!)
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Într-o seară practica mea vizuală a reflexiilor mi-a dat această poezie. Habar n-am care-i treaba, a venit așa, deodată 🤷♀️ Mă văd în ecranul telefonului În capacul de la laptop Propria-mi fantomă mă spionează din vitrinele pe lângă care trec Mă uit la mine în oglindă, în spatele tău pe motocicletă Sunt un autocolant când...
Face Shifts in Alain Resnais’s “Providence”
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This is my academic paper for “Question d’iconographie” at Lettres, Arts et Cinema, Paris Diderot (7) submitted in April 2019, with the prof. appreciation 🙂 “The dream is my only real level of my existence” Alain Resnais’s “Providence”, 1977, explores the theme of artistic creation in its profound facets, as the author slides from being...
Kate’s Cooper “Symptom Machine” at Hayward Gallery
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🔊 Hayward Gallery at Southbank Centre (HENI Project Space) welcomed a solo exhibition by #KateCooper – Symptom Machine 👀 Its video and sound design and overall experience really touched me so I decided to share it with you. No words, sound on to appreciate the impecable sound design Androgynised female CGI representations are brutalised in their attempts to embody...
Kanal Centre Pompidou: thoughts on the exhibitions of May 2019
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
Current exhibitions at Kanal Centre Pompidou got me thinking: how far should we go with exhibiting human pain, sufferance? What’s an appropriate context to do that and what not? Can the contemporary art establishment actually DO something to support our collective issues, such as homelessness? I would hope so! Thank you for watching!
I went to see the “latest” Caravaggio: “Judith and Holopherne” and it was pretty amazing
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
A couple of years ago, in 2014 to be precise, a medieval painting was found in an attic and Toulouse, and after specialists in medieval paintings (most notably Éric Turpin) have analysed it in depth they decided: it’s a Caravaggio, one of the few (around 60 in the entire world), painted around 1607. It will be...