This will age really well | Co-curating the first NFT-centric exhibition in Romania
This will age really well | Co-curating the first NFT-centric exhibition in Romania
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
After my extensive and critical contributions in Revista ARTA and Revista 22, Ioana Marșic, artist and curator, promoter and making-happen-er of all sorts, reached out to me. Together with Leilei, Andrei, Andrei and Lucian, she was just starting to imagine a NFT-centric exhibition in Romania. But, besides playing around within this new crypto-realm, it was...
“I dreamed of a museum of photography” | FOR ARTA MAGAZINE
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
– And, knowing it won’t happen any time soon, I donated almost all of my negatives to the Engravings Department of the Romanian Academy Library. – And I decided to stop waiting and create my own, online. – And I went and saw as many photographic archive museums and galleries as I could in order...
What about Zalău? | participatory photo exhibition
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
Autumn 2020: it’s lockdown and I am going on my first artistic residency It’s in Zalau, a town of less than 50K in North-Western Romania. My plan in this residency was to look without expectations and enjoy time in a greener, breathier place than Bucharest. And, if I could, make people rethink their relationship to...
Working with the International Advertising Association
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The partnership with IAA Romania has been definitely my longest lasting professional relationships, as of 2017. Through these years I have worked with Afrodita, Laura, Diana & Victor on all IAA brands, namely: IAA Romania – corporate brand content strategy & implementation: interviewing KOLs such as CEOs, Marketing Managers, Brand Managers from companies within IAA...
The Oneiric Realism of Contemporary Moldovan Photography | for ARTA Magazine
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Magical realism with a shot of sadness, to go. This is how I’d characterize the aesthetic of contemporary Moldovan photography, by reducing it to its essence. I find a sort of dreamlike realism browsing through the series of Mikhail Kalarashan, Maria Guțu, or Ramin Mazur. It’s a dream in which sadness and joy converge and...
Texturile lui scoby
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Uneori îmi place să mă autosurprind, să-mi faci mici surprize „culegând” ceva „banal” care-mi iese-n cale. Ceva care să mă scoată din zona de confort. Dar doar puțin. Așa am învățat să fac curry, la un Centre d’animation in 13eme, Paris. Așa a ajuns și Scoby la mine acasă, de la Ari și de la Oana....
Cabana Învățătorului. Cabana Pionierilor. Tabăra Meseș.
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Spectre ale trecutului neînțeles bântuie Europa. Trei nume care reflectă istoria acestui loc, azi o ruină gata să se dărâme pe cei care au îndrăzneala (iresponsabilitatea) de a intra. Eu nu m-am putut abține. Și, de cum am ajuns acolo, am avut senzația că locul e bântuit foarte potrivit pentru un film horror. Poate asta...
O zi la Bad Schimläi, un orășel imaginar
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Dacă Șimleu Silvaniei era un mic orășel din Germania s-ar fi numit, probabil, Bad Schimläi. Fix cu o zi înainte de intrarea în carantină a Zalăului am făcut o mică excursie în orășelul Șimleu Silvaniei, situat pe râul Crasna, tot în Sălaj. Ghici de unde mi-a venit similitudinea cu un orășel german de cum am...
Jurnal de la Zalău
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Lumea arde și baba se piaptănă. Cam ăsta e my underlying feeling în prima mea rezidență artistică, de la Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Artă Zalău. Pentru că am învățat de mică să înșir cuvinte coerent, am fost una dintre artistele acceptate în rezidență la Zalău (alături de Sofia Nelega) și asta mă face mega...
FormatFilm – website content & project management for a quirky film studio
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
Format Film is a creative boutique film studio founded by Andra & Tudor, in Bucharest. They needed help presenting their eye-catching brand films and artful video work in a comprehensive manner and that’s where I came in. Deliverables: Project management: from idea to live. Helped Andra & Tudor organize their content, suggested producing a website-centric reel...