Escape with us – content & graphic assets
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
Evadeaza cu Noi means Escape with Us and it is a brand that does exactly what its name says: it helps people evade the ordinary life into beautiful, nature based experiences.
I have collaborated with them on a freelance basis, writing Facebook and Newsletter content, designing Facebook layouts and event posters as well as helping with the website update (information structure and needed functionalities, working closely with the programmer).
Here are some of the materials I prepared for Evadeaza cu Noi:
Graphic design for a Cooking night, where a former Masterchef taught attendees how to cook Ramen and Maki. Facebook event cover + ramen recipe to be printed at the location.
Poster design, using my photography from Parang mountains. We organized together a photo exhibition, with photos taken by Escapists (people that had been on events with Escape with us). The photos would be sold and the money raised was used to take some kids from an orphanage to a horse riding event.
Poster design to gather books and other educational items for the same kids, background image from Unsplash (kudos, guys!). Sebastien, the guy from Escape with us, liked them on the horse riding event and decided to use the remaining money to donate some educational & fun items to this orphanage, such as books, board games and simple musical instruments.
I have also worked on Mailchimp newsletters for this brand: wrote content, complemented it with images, gif or videos and implemented it in Mailchimp. Here are a few examples: