Routes and archeological works through memory | Timisoara European Capital of Culture
Routes and archeological works through memory | Timisoara European Capital of Culture
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Timișoara (Temeswar), April 2023. Timisoara greeted me with a few rainy days at the beginning of April, which were nevertheless perfect for exploring the exhibitions within Timișoara European Capital of Culture. Rainy and cold, the city shined brighter than last year. As one might expect, some of the projects within the Capital of Culture status...
This will age really well | Co-curating the first NFT-centric exhibition in Romania
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After my extensive and critical contributions in Revista ARTA and Revista 22, Ioana Marșic, artist and curator, promoter and making-happen-er of all sorts, reached out to me. Together with Leilei, Andrei, Andrei and Lucian, she was just starting to imagine a NFT-centric exhibition in Romania. But, besides playing around within this new crypto-realm, it was...
Possibilities of coexistence. Kiasma, Helsinki | for ARTA Magazine
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„Coexistence” KIASMA, Helsinki From 26.4.2019 to 1.3.2020 Curators: Saara Hacklin, Kati Kivinen, Satu Oksanen For Revista ARTA, print, #42-43, available for purchase here. In the global coronavirus pandemic context in which we find ourselves, I find it timely to revisit – mentally and digitally – „Coexistence”, an exhibition at Kiasma, one of the...
Jean Michel Basquiat: expresii artistice de rezistență și complicitate în fața rasializării
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Într-o multitudine de discursuri analitice, biografice sau critice, dedicate lui Jean-Michel Basquiat, artist-cult în arta contemporană, artistul și opera sa este încadrată de aceleași locuri comune și stereotipuri de rasă care sunt preocupate în primul rând de exotizarea omului-Basquiat și mai puțin de aprofundarea lucrărilor sale. În lucrarea de față voi discuta felul în care...
Kate’s Cooper “Symptom Machine” at Hayward Gallery
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🔊 Hayward Gallery at Southbank Centre (HENI Project Space) welcomed a solo exhibition by #KateCooper – Symptom Machine 👀 Its video and sound design and overall experience really touched me so I decided to share it with you. No words, sound on to appreciate the impecable sound design Androgynised female CGI representations are brutalised in their attempts to embody...
Kanal Centre Pompidou: thoughts on the exhibitions of May 2019
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Current exhibitions at Kanal Centre Pompidou got me thinking: how far should we go with exhibiting human pain, sufferance? What’s an appropriate context to do that and what not? Can the contemporary art establishment actually DO something to support our collective issues, such as homelessness? I would hope so! Thank you for watching!
I went to see the “latest” Caravaggio: “Judith and Holopherne” and it was pretty amazing
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A couple of years ago, in 2014 to be precise, a medieval painting was found in an attic and Toulouse, and after specialists in medieval paintings (most notably Éric Turpin) have analysed it in depth they decided: it’s a Caravaggio, one of the few (around 60 in the entire world), painted around 1607. It will be...
Jean-Michel Basquiat at Fondation Louis Vuitton
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I often accumulate vast amounts of content waiting for me to process it, to bring it out in an orderly manner, ideally accompanied by a profound, well-researched text. Well, this time I figured the exhibition of Basquiat does not deserve such an absurd treatment. I feel I’d be doing you, however is reading this, as...
Dinspre prezentul fără un domiciliu fix privesc înspre trecut. Notițe despre Sezonul Franța-România în ianuarie.
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Contextualizare? În tranziție, nomazi digitali, fără domiciliu fix, globe trotteri, pasageri. În sens larg, metafizic, toți suntem trecători prin viață, prin locuri, prin situații și tot în trecere mă aflu și eu la Paris, cu o bursă Erasmus la Paris Diderot. Întorcându-ne către cotidian, acest lucru îmi oferă un domiciliu fix, în sens administrativ și...
[FITS 2018] Suspendarea esteticii pe Peron și în Ziar : de vorbă cu Dan Perjovschi
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Dan Perjovschi, un personaj-artist-activist greu de prins efectiv în cuvinte, a umplut Peronul Teatrului Național Radu Stanca de magneți, a mai pus file în Ziarul Orizontal și a desenat performativ pe lateralul zidului, în cadrul proiectului Vocile Solidarității. Perjovschi a vernisat luni, alături de Constantin Chiriac, Cerul de Magneți și a oferit publicului câțiva muguri...