The Super Yarza Twins: an interview
The Super Yarza Twins: an interview
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
I met Eva & Marta Yarza at the D&AD Awards in London, 2018, where they also won a Wooden Pencil with their cool Smirnoff campaign. I interviewed them and really enjoyed their optimistic and super hard working, applied mindset. Keep up the awesome GAL POWEH!!! I prepared the following material for the IAA Global Conference...
A gaze towards the future of consumerism: talking to David Mattin, TrendWatching
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
David Mattin is the Global Head of Trends and Insights at TrendWatching, a company that follows the evolution of trends in business, innovation and consumption. We talked about consumerism, technology and interconnectedness after David’s speech at TEDxBucharest, the 10th edition (2018). I wanted to understand how the current mindsets and new technologies will impact the way...
FREIHEIT! A good November to visit the Novembergruppe retrospective exhibition at Berlinische Galerie
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
‘ve just visited the Berlinische Galerie, especially for the FREEDOM: THE ART OF THE NOVEMBER GROUP 1918-1935 Exhibition and I really must say it is very well curated and it portrays a vivid and in depth (yet succinct) scenary of the Berlin avangardes of the time. I will do my best to re-curate it here...