“I dreamed of a museum of photography” | FOR ARTA MAGAZINE
“I dreamed of a museum of photography” | FOR ARTA MAGAZINE
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
– And, knowing it won’t happen any time soon, I donated almost all of my negatives to the Engravings Department of the Romanian Academy Library. – And I decided to stop waiting and create my own, online. – And I went and saw as many photographic archive museums and galleries as I could in order...
Patterns & textures of Bucharest
Posted by Raluca Turcanasu on / 0 Comments
Isn’t it fascinating to discover patterns in everything around us? Our minds are organised around patterns, and the lack of pattern recognition will cause unrest, uncertainty. Here are some patterns in which I see Bucharest, my hometown. Bucharest is this weird, intriguing mix of old and new, of modernity and decay. Beautiful architectures are lost...